Your Grandparents are three times as likely to use a social networking site compared to back in 2009!

If you have been recently finding that more and more of your older relatives have been #reTweeting your comments on Twitter or liking your updates on Facebook then you are certainly not alone as a recent survey showed that the adoption of social media platforms for Americans 65 and older more than tripled in the last four years (up to 43 percent in May 2013 from 13 percent in the spring of 2009) according to a new survey from the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

This really shows that social media is now becoming an important part of the internet for all ages and genders… Figures are still all increasing on social media platforms with new records being broken daily across the wide selection of channels available to us. The fact that more older generations are using social media tells us that the way businesses communicate to their audiences needs to accommodate a vast range of people, especially brands offering products / services to no set gender age.

Social media may have been over recent years ‘that place where youngsters are updating each other on what coffee shop they are in‘ or ‘here are my photos from last nights party‘, but that is changing and the content being shared is a lot more varied.



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