The Wrong EHS Software is worse than No Software

If you are living right now, then you should be dealing with at least one problem. And sanity dictates that you probably want this problem gone or at least reduced rather than increasing it. The advances in technology allowed businesses to take advantage of automation and the field of EHS is no different. EHS software is now a main requirement in the industry and a misstep in choosing the software can be terrible for a business.

In this article we are going to list down the things that you have to consider when choosing EHS software.

EHS Software: Easy is not Always Right

The right EHS software, or any software for that matter, will largely depend on the requirements of your business. With that said, the biggest mistake that people often commit when choosing software is focusing on the software rather than the problem at hand. Requirements are supposed to build the software solution.

The gathering of requirements regarding EHS can be summarized into three objectives. First one is compliance to the regulations imposed by the state. The next one is making sure that it will not hamper operations. And finally, to positively affect worker morale.

EHS Software: Requirements – Regulatory Compliance

EHS is a basic human rights concern. This is the reason why the government has the responsibility of drafting the EHS regulations and enforcing them. The environment for instance can take a toll from undue practices from the large factories. And the health and safety of workers is in danger of being taken for granted if a proper set of rules is not imposed and firms are not regularly monitored.

Compliance to policies often involve regular submission of reports and statistics to prove that firms are not in violation. When choosing EHS software, it has to be checked that stores and gathers all the necessary information to produce reports that are required by the state.

On the other side of things, it is also advantageous for the company to choose software that automatically drafts reports based on the requirements of the state institutions.

EHS Software: Requirements – No Operation Interference

Often enough, a step into complete compliance in EHS leads to a problem in the way that operations are often done. This is because data gathering in EHS can consume valuable man-power and result in delays and setbacks if not managed properly. While there will always be an additional overhead, it should be noted that this can be managed properly as long as the company itself is ready to lay out plans to do so.

EHS software should not be difficult to work with. Oftentimes, the users of EHS are also handling other vital functions. Generator monitors for instance would likely do a timely routine sweep of all the important data of the plant such as the level of voltage produced, temperatures, oil level, among others. When he or she has to deal with logging EHS data while doing his or her routes, he or she may not be able to complete it in a timely manner.

Given this problem, the first solution is to use automated data loggers in EHS. Plenty of data logging technology are available and are getting cheaper because of the advances in electronics.

EHS Software: Thorough Research is the Key

Software branding is often the most important aspect of software marketing. Everytime a shiny new software with with a brand-new technology attached to its cover rolls out, managers would start thinking about the things that they can do with it given its capabilities. This, however, is a dangerous hole to fall into. Software requirements, by design, should not do beyond what is expected of it. The only thing that it should improve is the quality by which it delivers the service. In technical terms, this means quality over features. For instance, you could be tempted to buy EHS software that allows you to create reports across multiple nations. This feature however has no value unless you are in a multinational corporation.

The pitfalls of new software is also well documented. Once software rolls out, there could be problems regarding compatibility, resource requirements and basically UI interface learning curves.

You have to research as much as possible to have a few numbers of choices before deciding what EHS software to buy.

EHS Software: All in One Solutions

EHS is an extremely broad field which means that to cover each aspect, you might have to rely on multiple software, and, possibly, multiple software providers. Whether to get an all in one solution or not is an important decision that has consequences either way. Here we will detail the pros and cons of both.

EHS Software: All in One Solutions – Pros

The positives in buying all in one solution are quite obvious. First, you get to be able to integrate all the requirements in one suite. This means less time figuring out how to create reports that encompasses several fields.

The next advantage in having an all in one solution is having a single point of reference when asking for technical solutions and additional features or updates. This allows you to work with the same people and limit your time wasted in developing rapport with several software providers.

EHS Software: All in One Solutions – Cons

The main reason to reconsider buying all in one solution is the danger of being held hostage by a single software provider. For instance, they could prefer a single platform which means losing the ability to diversify your software base.

Having multiple software providers in tow means being able to pick the best kind of software for each function you desire. For instance, you could choose the best tools in data logging from a particular software company.

EHS Software: Get Everyone in the Loop

Finally, one of the major problems that companies often face is the misunderstanding between workers when it comes to technicalities. This is dangerous in EHS since it encompasses several aspects of the business.


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