
Kicking Your Marketing Imagery up a Notch.

7th July 2014

In marketing, we’re often told – force-fed, rather – unique content is absolutely essential. Believe it or not, when they say content is king, it doesn’t exclusively refer to text-based content. Attractive, engaging and relatable images are also essential to a successful content marketing strategy. Visual content is even more important when you throw social…

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5 Reasons to Hop onto the Twitter Train If You Haven’t Already.

20th June 2014

Since its arrival in 2006, Twitter has taken the social network space by storm, cutting it up into bite sized pieces of information for us all too quickly digest. With more than 500 million registered accounts and 1.6 billion search queries per day, it’s fair to say that Twitter is popular. With the likes of…

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Why Getting Social Media Right Is Just Like Playing Poker

18th May 2014

For anyone that has watched any James Bond film that involves a poker scene – in fact any film that involves a poker scene – the message is clear you don’t play your cards you simply play the man opposite you. Well in social media and marketing in general it is exactly the same thing. …

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NHS and Social Media – Is it all down to the strategy?

10th May 2014

For the last couple of weeks both myself and Ash have been heavily involved in debates regarding the NHS and Social Media. We first got involved because the people were asking for solutions and we wanted to discuss that with them. The NHS is a mine field of bureaucracy and levels of management. The NHS…

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Paid Followers and Fans – What is the point? (I’ll give you a clue there isn’t any)

6th May 2014

I was discussing what we do with a peer the other day as we drove to a networking meeting together . She is a huge advocate of what we do and had some advice for me. She told me to stop selling social media, “You guys are growing people’s businesses, using social media. You aren’t…

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How to Ensure Repurposing Content is Worthwhile.

23rd January 2014

A controversial topic amongst marketers globally is the idea of reworking or moulding an existing piece of content, be it blog, video or infographic into another form or media type to re-distribute. There are those that coin this concept as ‘lazy’ however, I  quite disagree. Why wouldn’t you, where possible save time and energy on…

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IMPACT, What We Are Not Measuring in Social

21st January 2014

The buzzword on everyones lips these days seems to be ‘Social’. No matter where we go or who we talk to, we are encouraged to be ‘Social’ and if we’re not being ‘Social’ then we are an outsider, to be scorned and taunted, a little like being back at school! Social is great and to…

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