
Infographics are dead! Long live video infographics!

13th February 2015

Infographics are everywhere. And rightly so! As they emerged a few years or so ago, PR folks and marketers took advantage of the simplicity of displaying complex data in a way that told a more compelling story than just a load of numbers, percentages and words. And they didn’t need to be design experts. They…

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Have you ever wondered why your email marketing is not working?

26th October 2014

The basic principle of digital marketing and email marketing is to bring content and share value and useful information to others. The greatest expectation we have about email marketing, is to be opened, read and eventually engage our prospects in a variety of different ways. The purpose of email is to build and grow relationships…

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Is Content Curation Killing Social Media Marketing?

16th June 2014

This is a subject that has been getting more of a focus over the last few months. As with any form of Social Strategy there is a lot of debate on what you should be doing and how much you should be doing it. Content curation (in this context) is the act of finding the…

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What are the basics of an effective social media campaign?

17th April 2014

When I talk to customers about how we make Facebook and Twitter effective tools to further their brand I find that the answer is very simple. RELEVANCE! What is the point in posting campaigns that have nothing to do with your company or what you are trying to market? Relevant marketing is Content Marketing. I…

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How to grow and promote without a blog.

21st February 2014

What if you’re not confident enough to blog all the time? If you run a small business, you will hear EVERYONE telling you that you NEEEEEED to be on social media. You also apparently NEED to blog and produce content. Videos, pictures, articles, posts, comments etc Well the truth is that these just aren’t an…

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