Social Media Marketing Strategies That Will Ensure Success

Marketing your business is your way of getting yourself out there and showing the world who you are and what you do. A few years ago, it was simple enough to make an account on social media, and your leads would go through the roof. But now that it’s 2018, the same logic no longer applies – because every smart business has already done that, so the playing field is levelled out and you’re back at square one again.


Your strategy can’t just be about existing anymore, you need to go way beyond that. Your brand needs to invest itself fully into how you plan on marketing yourself. It’s all the little things that count now, from the Website Design, to your communication techniques. If you don’t focus and engage in what is important, you can lose out on having customers that keep coming back for more.


Here are a few examples of the best ways that you can drive sales from your social media marketing strategies.


Create goals that solve your biggest challenges

The first thing that you’ll want to do when building up a strategy, is to figure out what exactly you want to get out of all of this. As soon as you understand what it is you want, the sooner you can reach that destination. Marketing through your social media isn’t about making an account and then expecting a huge following of people – you need to put a lot of work in.


Once you know what needs to go in, you can envision what will come out, and in your case, that means a following so big that all these individuals turn into potential leads, which then turn into sales – right? But there are many paths that you can go down, and some of them are not always the correct way, and yet you don’t find that out until it’s too late. But this is why we plan, so we do all we can to prevent mistakes from happening. Remember though, you need to be realistic, so only set goals that you can achieve. For example, expecting to get 1 million followers on Instagram is unrealistic – especially in the times that we live in. It’s hard enough getting 1 thousand followers in a quick amount of time, unless you do something amazing that gets you overnight fame. But that’s down to you to figure out. So for now, stick to what you know you can do. Then the more hurdles you get over, the easier things will become.


It’s also important to remember that simplicity can go a long way, so don’t try and overcomplicate things when you don’t need to. And remember to keep a document of everything you do manage to achieve. This will be good to refer back to, the more you grow. You should always remember where you came from, and how you started out.


Research your social media audience

It is vital that you have a proper understanding of your target audience, as this will drastically change the way you plan on managing your social media accounts. This is why you need to access your data and accounts so you know exactly who purchases from you, what products they buy, what age group they’re in, and what kind of lifestyles they live. Having all of this information, you can use that to your advantage and focus your attention on all the right people that will make a positive impact on your business.


This is why data analysis is so important. The information that they can gather for you can be the key to any success, because it gives you an insight into all there is to know. You can find out when the most popular time people buy your products are, even down to how speedy a visitor on your site turns into a sale. Because of this, many businesses on social media use a dashboard that can give them a detailed overview of who’s following their account, how they interact with it, and whether those interactions turn into positive leads. No matter what kind of business you own, you can greatly benefit from these features, so make sure that you’re aware of them, and are putting them in place to get the right information out of them.


Figure out the most important metrics

The metrics that are attached to your social media account can be used to your advantage, but having said that, this tends to be a where a lot of businesses venture off onto the wrong path. This is because while you are aware of all the new followers your account has gained, as well as any likes, comments, and shares – does it really tell you all the information you need to know?


It’s very easy to get caught up in all the excitement and buzz of what social media has to offer you, because seeing your account grow and get more popular is great news! But having said that, it’s a good shout to take a step back and evaluate the whole situation, and not just how many followers you’ve gained overnight.


Building long-lasting relationships over social media is the key to ensuring you get as much positive attention as you can. And engaging your metrics, alongside your attitude and delivery of contents is what will keep you going. You will also want to focus on your hashtag performance. While a lot of people use them because it’s just part of the trend – the power that they actually have to businesses is very strong. Especially if a lot of individuals are using a hashtag that you as a business have created, because essentially that will lead people all the way back to you.


Now you have a lot of areas to focus yourself on within your social media marketing, make sure that you manage everything well to ensure you keep your head above water. As long as you implement these new techniques, there’s no reason you won’t reach success in no time.


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.