Amazing facts about Social Media 2013.

Social Media now needs no introduction and to add to it’s ever increasing popularity here are some interesting and amazing facts taken from Google search about what is happening out there in 2013.

  • 80% of total Pinterest’s pins are re-pins.
  • There are over 1 billion LinkedIn endorsements.
  • Over 20 million user accounts on Twitter are fake.
  • 4.2 billion people use mobile device to access social media sites.
  • 23% of Facebook users check their account more than 5 times a day.
  • Social media generates almost double the marketing leads of trade show, telemarketing, daily mail, or PPC.
  • 60% of Twitter users access their account via a mobile phone.
  • There are over 1 billion monthly visits to the website YouTube.
  • More than 23% of companies are investing in social media and blog writing.
  • Food is the top subject across Pinterest with 57% of users discussing and sharing content about food related subjects.
  • 350 million photos are uploaded to Facebook every day.
  • There are over 100 million Facebook Apps.
  • Every second 8000 users like some or other photo on Instagram.
  • 69 percent of Pinterest users are female.
  • The faster growing age demographic for new accounts created on Twitter is 55-64 year olds.
  • 28% of #reTweets on Twitter occur cause of people using ‘please RT!’ in their message.
  • 67% of Google+ users are male.
  • There are over 3 million company pages on LinkedIn.
  • Around 50% of internet users turn to social media for making purchases.
  • 74% of marketers believe Facebook is important for their lead generation strategy



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