Social Media for 2015 – Are you prepared?

Just some random thoughts and predictions for social media in 2015 and what we may just happen…
It is without question that we expect social media to play an important role within marketing for business in 2015 and an increased spend by many companies looking to build their audiences and brand awareness.
Despite varied reports showing that some social networking platforms are in decline in members and usage, generally the only way all figures are going is up. We can expect increased usage on social media for businesses sponsoring to promote their products and services, easier solutions for businesses to directly sell (Twitter will enable direct purchasing from tweets in 2015) and platforms working hard to clear their numbers of spam accounts.
It will inevitably become harder to be successful on social media by sticking to the basics and in some cases, especially those new to things, they will have to use promotional options the platforms offer to get in front of their target audience and to build their following. The established names on social media, especially those with larger following numbers will start to see improved SEO and most definately those who regularly share content will be seen as a trusted name to deal with (more shares, more likes, more retweets etc).
Selling on social media will increase as will hours spent using the platforms, more mobile devices will be released adding to the accessability to update your profile and read up on what’s the latest.
New businesses will continue to enter soley via social media, some will infact place a greater importance on their social media profile over their websites. Your Google ranking importance will become less importance and be overtaken by the presence you have on social media.
There will be greater clamp downs on spamming and fake accounts, timelines will be less populated with unrelevant content and replaced by direct selling of products that you want to see.

You will greater exposure for social media in 2015, more icons on marketing and advertising in generl public. More softwares will be created to work alongside social media. New platforms will be created and more features will be introduced to use platforms more productively for business.



Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.